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Discover what its expansion in Peru will be like according









发表于 2023-12-14 18:23:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Currently, there are two essential functions that every company takes advantage of from the metaverse, this as indicated by Carlos Ramos Mejía, who is manager at Neo Consulting

In the first instance, there are the particular metaverse of each company, from which the collaborators will have the opportunity to interact, communicate, offer training and the interactive remote work model is used.

Then, there is one inherent to Telegram Number Data advertising, where Mejía pointed out that there are platforms that frame the development of virtual games, such as case of Roblox and Fortnite, important spaces in the marketing development.

Why can't the metaverse develop faster?
metaverse legal challenges
“Last year I saw a lot of interest from brands, but I think this year it has been put aside a bit, suddenly because of ChatGPT or Artificial Intelligence ( IA), which are so fashionable, but companies must have it on their radar,” explained Carlos Ramos Mejía.

On the other hand, the delay in the deepening of the metaverse is due to several circumstances, where one of them has to do with the fact that after During the pandemic, many people opt for face-to-face contact. “Many companies are still experimenting, they have not made a very strong investment or deployment,” he commented.

The manager added another compelling reason, which alludes to the need for a viewer, with this you can immerse yourself in the universe and currently they can cost between about US$ 100 and US$ 300 dollars, so when they become widespread they will have a lower cost than what happened with cell phones.

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What role does the metaverse play in a company?
For the manager of Neo Consulting, Carlos Ramos Mejía, he pointed out that centennials spend a lot of time in the metaverse and it is estimated that by 2026 , around 25% of the population will connect for an hour in the metaverse and investment levels for 2023 will be around 2 trillion dollars.

“As usage grows, it will force brands to enter, because if they are not there, they will basically lose coverage in reach of that target audience,” he stated.

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